19 inch All-in-one Industrial panel PC with Intel® Core™ i7-3770 Processor, 2.5"SATA 320G HDD(or 32G SSD) , 2G RAM(4G & 8G optional), 6*COM(5* RS232.1 * 485), 1*VGA, 1* DVI,6*USB 2.0, 2*LAN, 1* Audio, 1* MIC, 1* PS2 SPECIFICATIONS- i7-3770EssentialsStatusLaunchedLaunch DateQ2'12Processor
VGA + DVI input + Audio input, industrial panel monitor with touch screen. for KIOSK monitor,HMI monitor
Industrial touch screen monitor
Industrial monitor with VGA HDMI/DVI touch screen options
Touch screen monitor from 8 inches to 22 inches,